
Album of the week

The Evening Descends
(Dead Oceans)

Evangelicals come back with a solid follow up to So Gone, which featured one of my favorite songs of 2006, "Hello Jenn I'm a Mess." Evangelicals remind me a lot of Grandaddy -not quite as polished and talented yet, but they have that same sound drenched in
southern -and sometimes messy reverb. They're also a genuine band much like

Grandaddy...staying in their roots in Norman, Oklahoma -just as Grandaddy in Modesto, CA. The Evening Descends could be cleaner in production as it seems they favor an underlying distorted feel too much. But, overall, it's another album full of sweeping hooks and devastating lyrics. No one does dark pop-rock quite like Evangelicals.

hear: Midnight Vignette, Skeleton Man, Stoned Again, Party crashin', Bloodstream

Party Crashin'

Party Crashin'

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